Saturday, August 27, 2005

juz postin fer de sake of postin...

im juz postin fer de sake of postin...tot of changin my skin but nw not in de mood to do now alone at hm...evryone else hav gone to church...i wanted to sleep as im very sick...ive been sick fer de past 3 weeks....neck pain....stomach flu...muscle pull...cough...cold....n evrythin common test...dun wanna think of it...nw im really sista n i r very wierd if we work very hard we dun do tt well..but if we dun work tt hard our grades will be higher...diz common test mark is lower than my mid yr....nw lemme change de tr da...goin back to dazhong!!!YIPEEEEEEEE!!!!!! razia n i meetin at redhill n going together...we hav oledi planned wad we gonna gib de oni givin present fer mdm tan..mrs deva...mdm koh...n mrs pang..oni 4 trz...n paddy n i sharin gifts fer crez tr...we still haven decide wad to gib n fer need to quickly n our tamil oratorical has been postponed to somewhere after sep hols...nw more releived n dun hav to rush altho i hav de script nort sure whether we gonna perform fer blackbox....but i think ain's grps havin auditions on mon so i think we aso goin....i really badly wanna perform fer de blackbox....i think ive rote a LOT!!ill stop here... :) :( X(...

7:21 PM

She BOXEd her Shadow.

Friday, August 19, 2005

so sick...

this weeek i hav been so sick...went to de doc n he said tt i had sum stomach flu n de neck pai was caused by de mucles but de neck pain got worse dae by diz whole week i oni went to sch fer 3 daaez...oni mon wed n neck pain was that bad...i cant even sit fer 2 mins...coz of my neck pain i had to miss my math common test...n summore der is NO RE-TEST FER MATH...ARGH!!! tt means tt der fer my results der will be a absent der...ah....but still now i feel much beta....tink gtg bye ill post later...

10:17 PM

She BOXEd her Shadow.