Wednesday, May 31, 2006

such a sucky thing.

omg today was like so was the first debate in my whole life ok.and in cresccent was the some cluster english day and then i was actually supposed tot be in this Speakin In Character thingy where i had to dress up and speak as cleopatra. cleopatras life is so damn disgustin but interestin.they marry their own siblings and how more disgustin can it get:/then for tt padmini was chosen so i was free for tt mr m called me up last night at 730 and asked me to prepare a speech fer e next day. at 730!! den we were debating against Jin Tai sec and all 3 people were indians.2 girls n 1 guy.the first speaker was like talkin to herself.btw e motion was tt television has a positive influence on teenagers.she was defining wad a television was.we were the opposition and there was a little drama going on between e prop team. like the guy totally blanked out and was abt to cry and e girl just disturbed him wad he gave the wth-im-like-here-not-knowin-wad-to-do kind of was so funny.i thin he was in the verge of slappin the girl.then obv crscent won:D.e stupid judge came up wid some comments jus fer e sake of givin comment and said tt our points were not logical.that was so totally BULLSHIT!den e 3 teams who were chosen fer e finals were cres.gim moh n fairfeild. so as there were 3 teams one had to be e dummy n receive e consolation.this mr ravi came by and asked us to draw lots to see which one was e dummy team.unlucky cres girls we got e paper wid nth in it which meant we automatically got was like so full of CRAP!!aniwae we got a $40 voucher and were crakin our heads of hw to divide it equally between e 3 of was e time where we laughed our heads off and went to mr ravi to get another $5 so tt we can get $15 each and ended up gettin $10 which still didn solve our prob. im e end we drew lots and i gt e $20 voucher.still e day was kinda funny.kae kae.bye.toodles.(;

11:32 PM

She BOXEd her Shadow.

Sunday, May 21, 2006


i dun wanna start wid tt normal line'its been long since i posted'. i dun seem to be gettin creative.wadeva.ok this week has been rather good(:i only went to sch on mon and thurs, so surely it was good.thurs got back all e results in ONE day and tt was REAL BAD!can u imagine lyk all e results on one pathetic day?!?!?!aniwae my math n lit was all it wasnt so satisfactory but ive DECIDED tt my final yr will be satisfactory n i will amke it be satisfactory.somehow im gettin vry determined these few days which is GOOD.ive realised ive been wadchin tv too much lately n ive been gettin weird dreams.dreams in which lyk im joinin my sistas dance at e last minutes jus before they are gonna perform when i dun even noe e steps at all!!i wanna spend my june hols fruitfully, gonna take up some course may be guitar(((:tt would be really great its gonna be 2 mins to mid night and somehow i cant seem to sleep earlier than 12 cos these few days ive been sleepin n wakin up late so i cant sleep n wake up early.hope it makes sense.ok im gonna try really hard to sleep now.bye.nites.

9:01 AM

She BOXEd her Shadow.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

getting close to nature(: it was rainin.

12:20 AM

She BOXEd her Shadow.

hehe my tablet.i lyk things bein messy(;

12:16 AM

She BOXEd her Shadow.