Monday, July 31, 2006

depressed life:/

Everyone seems to be happy with their life except me:/ They have got their own stuff to be happy about just tt they are nt aware of the hurt they can cause for others by doing this. Today seriously started off badly with...i shall nt mention. I just wonder how some people just get everything in life. i mean like EVERYTHING a person who deserves to live should have, unlike me. I just feel depressed.
Whats the idiots bloody prob!!Cant she like be happy with what she has and not go ard trying to grab everything and everybody she wants to. PLS, OTHERS ALSO NEED THEIR HAPPINESS IN LIFE if you are not aware of that. I skipped recess and lunch trying to study hist but ended up felling more sorrowful. Maybe from now on i should TRY find some happiness.
Theres is a math test tmr and here im blogging. I guess that all this that is happening to me right now is maybe cos of my mindset abt whats gonna happen in future and that i have decided that it is gonna happen. It might sound confusin but let it be.
Song of the Day: Heavily Broken ):

6:22 AM

She BOXEd her Shadow.

Saturday, July 29, 2006

speech day cum aad

Today was kinda fun but damn tiring and also FUNNY! After speech day finally we did our bronze awards part and it was OVER!! Now I HAVE to go to bordersto spend my $75.may be im just having a voucher collection.lame.
Now back to where I was. Oh ya AAD was the worst AAD ever. There were some pathetic duno wad stall den after tt I had to change cos which idiot can survive in tt blazer?? Then tt ben freak had to steal my belt[actually its not a belt.n I duno what tt is.] and xuan had to run away wid it. Finally mira n I found xuan and got back the belt. By that time itself we were too tired to do anything so we decided to go to class to tell ghost stories. It might sound lame but you should have heard our screaming caused by haslinda. WE FREAKED OUT!
Since many people started comin to class there wasn’t the “right atmosphere for ghost stories anymore. Oh ya I forgot bout the created by joining tables. It was fun. Maybe we would have slept if no one came in. we had nothing to do frm 12-330. den finally somehow 330 came and we rushed out. Hanna priya and I went together. Priya dropped off at tiong bahru since she had piano class on. I had to wait for my sis to go to changi so we waited at mcdonalds. Omg there was this man n lad lecturing her pri1 kid. Pls la shes jus pri 1 and you want to teach her so much already and what would you do when she reaches p6 or sec4? So den I canged frm my court shoes to my track shoes and went to changi.
Im so damn relieved.phew. ok I can pay aisyah now cos I cant afford to give her stuff back with the kinda state it is in.haha. need to study hist and do tml!! Argh why is sch life so sucky!!DARN DARN. Fine I shant complain anymore.

7:11 AM

She BOXEd her Shadow.

Tuesday, July 25, 2006


YAY. NO PBL FOR US!! maybe this was a gift for all tt we had to go through durin ivp. dill wanted to do e wonder woman skit after all e presentation BUT i dun even think im goin to sch tmr!:D atleast i should be yayin cos i dun have to get stressed abt e damn pbl.

its such a waste when u jus sit there and do nth but watch the others present. although it might seem relaxing its still better to sleep at home.(: maybe tmr den i can finish revisin my hist den do some art. ART IS SUCH A WASTE OF TIME!! it jus gets ur brain working a bit but they like take up weeks just to do the development part and 1 pathetic week to do e wadeva shit layout. ive just realised ive been slackin like nobodys buisness last few weeks. i din do lyk 3 weeks of article review den my compo and all the other bloody things. One more thing to add on to this is tt, ive also been complaining a lot. if u lyk look at my prev posts ive been doin nth but complain abt ALL the things you could possibly find to complain, grumble and whine abt. at least im beta than sec1s la. lyk they have so much to do and complain abt and we seniors have nth beta to do isit???

OK i shall hereby stop all my grumbling and mumbling at GET LOST RIGHT NOW to find somethin beta to do right NOW!

4:28 AM

She BOXEd her Shadow.

Friday, July 21, 2006


why do they call some stupid idiots who only know how to nod their head with their mouth wide open EXPERT MENTORS!! expert it seems. ivp was sucky. esp cos of the fact tt i was still trembling in there even with the blazer. actually it would have been bearable if i had nt met tt yogini person. i jus cant stand her. aniway i should jus be thnakful tt it is over at last!! Yogini has a problem wid wadeva we say. i noe tt she is a teacher n has a lot of experience n all and tt doesnt give her thhe right o order us ard like tt. argh!! and yong sheng doesn noe hw to pronounce entrepreneurs. pls la he is in RI fer goodness sake. now i realise tt there was nth fascinating abt our "wonder bin", jus tt the kids were after our pathetic sweets. anw it was terrible and i had to waste my own money fer tt stupid taxi ride jus cos i dropped e receipt somewhere!! still im happy we did not hav to suffer under "ploblem" anymore. heard we still have to do website and trust me i forgot wadeva dreamweaver they taught me and my flash tt i did is not even mving. so i dun thnk i can do anythin abt tt! oh ya i met ashish and mr seems he has been transfered to another school. so tt abt the ivp which totally sucks!!

10:48 PM

She BOXEd her Shadow.