Thursday, August 31, 2006

trs day(:

I, Gefrey Manohar, has officially broken up with my bf.
Dun even know hw to take care of a gf.OMG SHAME!
She, oops, he is having an affair with 3 other ppl! Like OMG!
Oh well, although he claimed tt he dumped them, still!

You make me carry all the stuff!FOOL!
Fool reminds me of something. Mum, you should know ;p
Mass dance was so SCREWED!
Mic was even worse!

We planned of opening a CCCFC!
Im so sry Aish! i was in such a lousy mood.
Fine, i shall be the official spoiler of all plans.
I mean like come to think of it, its a waste of time.

Priyas another FOOL!
"ok go home now!" Like WTH!

All cos of you L-O-S-E-R!
I feel like sleeping again.

6:19 AM

She BOXEd her Shadow.

Wednesday, August 30, 2006


Ahhh have to email:\I dun like.I dun WANT!
I seriously dun understan was going on in math.
WOW!SETS!Im so amazed.Wad union wad crap?!?
Be thankful tt i din sleep.

OMG OMG! PE was so damn damn FUN!
HAS.LOVE LOVE. We shall roll on the floor the next time ok?And be in the same team.
Evil rev pushed someone down!bad.bad.
AHA! im gonna get back to you basketball!
Ben in front of MEI! HAHAHAH!

After recess everythin was umm..
I wanted to watch armageddon with mira):
Stupid open hse! HAHA tourguides it seems.
Mira we shall watch another day okok?:D

OH YA, SHOPPING! Paddy, im so sorry :P
I will ok?
Reminder set! 1hr of math everyday.YAY ANCHAL!

Rev you saw someone?
Im supposed to go back with tt someone?

5:08 AM

She BOXEd her Shadow.

Monday, August 28, 2006


Today fun FUN!
Well, i've never heard of such interesting mrt stories before.

We missed lit but got our CHOCS!
EWW, i never ever wanna paint AGAIN!
Depressing sci:/
EH, everyone WOWed at our kite you know(:


Ice skating?
Should I?
AHHH, stupid drama!
i dun wanna memorise.

5:58 AM

She BOXEd her Shadow.

Friday, August 25, 2006


You wierd. I weird. Kites are WEIRD!
My kite is so screwed after i drew e snowflake.Oops Joyce):
BUT it can FLY! Although i duno hw to fly it, im gonna try tmr.
Priya shall join me:D

NEVER EVER talk to rev before tml oral!
She'll just turn into a PEST, although she is one all the time but a worser version of it!
OMG trying to prove that you're a parrot isit?

Paper bag! So cute!

Finally i managed to buy my mom something AND she was HAPPY with it(:
Revathy d/o Dasan had to just come and make me more confused!
Nice Day(:
Weird ppl.

7:50 AM

She BOXEd her Shadow.

Thursday, August 24, 2006

joyce hhaha

Ben is a PE-NA-CHI;
Chandrasamy is a JACKASS.

Today fun FUN!
El our kite was DAMN big!HAHA
still cant get over the fact tt we are doing KITE for ENG!

-ask joyce to sing
-show her your fingers
-go near her when she is screaming
Jus dun have any contact with her basically! in ld esp.

Losers part. MEANIE BEANIE is a L-O-S-E-R!
But i shall NEVER part with her(; i luv MEANIE BEANIE<3

See im trying to be nice for once and to a person like you.HAHA

And I HATE bubble tea shop ppl.
They just live in a world of their own.A WEIRD one!

7:16 AM

She BOXEd her Shadow.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006


I just realised how JACKASS-ier aneeqa can get!

Do you know im wounded all over.HAHA.
Today was just a damn shitty day.
Volleyball made me turn one-eyed. And my glasses keeps falling off!

Lit i had quite a lot to crap abt. So proud to have such a handwriting(;
And never trust anchal and mira! NEVER!
I shall arm myself with more hairbands!

Aneeqa seems to be reflecting some cannibalistic character of stripping the skin of innocents!
If i look monstrous, then wad do you look like!

I got a one to one training session with nikita sanal and learnt something REALLY USEFUL!
Itsy bitsy spider:D

All thnx to Aish!<3
but shoooosh since some ppl are so environmentally conscious.

3:22 AM

She BOXEd her Shadow.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

today tuesday august the 22nd:/

Tuesday, August 22nd 2006 was so totally RUINED!
Those two freaky things, no. actually 3.

Aneeqa, I HATE YOU!YOU FREAKY THING!Despite all the torture, i actually learned something. I have to provide myself with more hairbands if not atleast get some training in snatching yours.

Do you take me for a fool, if not a clown or an idiot?
And get ready to face the worst tmr!
tmr would be your most memorable day, i can assure you that. (:

That goes out to you too anchal! you creature! Well ive proved that cockroaches can atleast be nicer than creature if not freaks!

My pretty pretty plastic triangle is in the WASH! HAHA!
This norton scan takes years! I just realised hw much stuff i have in my tablet that the scan is almost running for 15 mins and has scanned 84015 files.OMG! oh now its 86... sumtin

Oh btw. We managed to accomplish a part of our plan! YAY FOR GEF&MIRA! WE ROCK !
It turned out so nicely.awww.
NOW its 97718!oh oh, this is bad.

4:43 AM

She BOXEd her Shadow.

Saturday, August 19, 2006


This post is solely meant to be for REVATHY D/O DASAN:D

Firstly, she claims that she is turning looney.
THE TRUTH: she is not since she is already one since the day she was BORN!
And, you can bring your family or the whole generation to fight against me and ben. cos, we will be glad to turn them AGAINST you:D

Secondly, she is trying very hard to be mean.
THE TRUTH: you can't simply follow wadeva you sister tells you cos you have to know what others ard you are like. Like me and ben[esp.]Maybe you can get some useful tips from US.

Thirdly, she is a freaky blue creature.
THE TRUTH: she IS A freaky blue creaute who likes to disagree every single thing tt i say. Well somehow even in things like skits her role is to to DISAGREE with me. maybe its some fated things.

Finally, wadeva ive mentioned here are based on true incidents and MERE facts.Im not trying to be mean cos im jus trying to put across the fact for the world to know(:

1:52 AM

She BOXEd her Shadow.

Thursday, August 17, 2006


OMG im addicted to Anna Nalick's breathe. The lyrics is amazing!

Surprisingly, I've been happy for the past two days:D Maths+Hist i slept, tml i cursed, d&t i played, cs also i played, sci i slacked. Basically i din pay attention in any of the lessons but lit was the only subj tt i strained my ears to.

OH we got we in the rain(: It was before e drama thing and our PLAN is kinda working out well even though we've only planned a bit. I jus feel sad abt being absent when the plan is gonna work out. I <3 MIRA:D WE ROCK!

And here i go..
But you can't jump the track, we're like cars on a cable,
And life's like an hourglass, glued to the table
No one can find the rewind button now
Sing it if you understand.
and breathe, just breathe.
Oh breathe, just breathe,
oh breathe, just breathe.
Oh breathe, just breathe.

7:29 AM

She BOXEd her Shadow.

Monday, August 14, 2006


The worst weekend you can ever think of:/ so damn bloody ARGH! Well for a "nice" start on sat, i sprained my ankle while trying to sleep walk early in the morning at 6+ after the movie. arrgh and i like SLEPT practically the whole of sat. Jus woke up to do a bit of math and go through my speech.

AHHH! that reminds me of the e worst sunday ever in history! omg on sun i was supposed to go fer a comp and i OVERSLEPT!HAHA.well i was supposed to wake up at 630 and meet subha at redhill. Instead i slept till 730 and when subha called my dad said tt i was sleeping till subha went WAD?!?! Then i quickly had to get ready in 15 mins and take a taxi there. Also fetched ben on the way there. It was supposed to start at 8 and the bloody ppl only opened the doors at 830.We had to be stranded ouside and the registration took 1 more hr till we found out that our names werent even there! WTH la! So we replaced those who din come and had to take a bus to Farrer Park pri sch! By the time we reached there and went to the flowery classroom was 11. OMG the fire extinguisher was decorated with flower! SO RIDICULOUS!!then by the time we finished it was 1140 and we were given sumtin we couldnt eat at 12! AFTER THAT...we were brought to room to room to room to room to room TO ROOM!! Finally we got to talk and it was 4 by then! I DIN DO MY MATH AND COMMON TEST E NXT DAY! hw worse could a day get!?!

Well fortunately we or I din get into the second round if nt i would have fainted there! came home really dead TIRED and had to put up wid those stupid pointy sinister things and unknown addressless creatures !)))):

Although it was so bad, i ACCOMPLISHED sumtin:D guess wad! I MADE BEN SHUT UP FOR ONCE!!WHOOOO!!we had a fun time arguing though and well nth surprising anw.
Math was ok i guess.

4:07 AM

She BOXEd her Shadow.

Monday, August 07, 2006

national day

Well today, ive gotta admit it was fun. Choy seems to have a makeover huh? haha. early in the morning we had to listen to e wadeva msg was being read and my skirt was giving me trouble while sitting down:/ guess it was ok and i could sit! then we received some pathetic multi coloured pens but the most fun part was community singing. Guess ppl were trying their best to scream if not sing.
Crescentians really know hw to scream!woah like we almost went deaf and obv we joined in the screaming(: ALMOST losing our voices too. haha. eng dept one was nice may be creative.i jus couldnt stand e mtl dept.wad happy biRthday singapore.stupid!
I couldnt even figure out wad we were doing. Were we singin, jumping, screaming, pushing ppl, stepping on flags, throwing things ard?nah maybe a mixture of all these still it was FUN:Dwe ended of singing crescent way of singing happy birthday song to singapore. Well a rather fun way to celebrate national day(;

10:18 PM

She BOXEd her Shadow.

Friday, August 04, 2006

4/8/06 me to go home with that sticker on my ear and i just realised that there was sumtin stuck to my ear when i was in the lift. waid till i get that creature! haha. anw my tml gone case. ahh dun wanna talk abt it and that old lady has got some prob wid me! i said i dun wanna go for the stupid thing and she keeps saying that i keeps saying that i dun wanna go. if you dun wanna go you can only say u dun wanna go and nth else right. SIGHH!
during recess those 2 nikki n ben fools tried to steal my shoe lace until i had to go back to class without my lace tied to my shoe since i din know hw to put it back:/ i had to call aneeqa for help eventually with only one shoe and one socks on. sci practical was fun although i din know wad i was doing was right actually. heating up the sugar until it looked like a typical chem experiment with all the smoke n stuff was cool.
English, i din do work as usual plus i was only time keeper and noise controller although our grp was the one making the most amt of noise. haha. we COMBINED names and one example would be...nah let me save the "suprising package" fer aish. Sch ended and priya wanted to photocopy my sci notebook since i was being a good girl ad had all my notes in there(: till aish started her chase with the dustpan. had to leave mira since she had angklung.sad sad. still today was fun.

1:22 AM

She BOXEd her Shadow.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

YAY for today.

YAY for today:D
Today was the day where i was able to be a little bit happy although i have some little things to complain abt:p
Math la was ok.So fun doing pythagoras theorem.all you have to do is sq sq evrything den plus plus then get ans already. FUN FUN. I pissed anchal today(: shes so weird she'll get annoyed by the lamest thing i do.aiyoyo. i jus wrote idiot on her math ws wid a PENCIL and she got angry for that. pathetic la creature.lalala.
Then for PE we ran singing bamboofor inspiration.haha.and school was "officially"over since we did so well for speech day.-pukes. then we had stupis sec 4 tamil society farewell party. i dun even noe e sec 4 but i jus have to go there and just sit. It was so crappy!Duno wad they were trying to do also.
After then was the best part. Asked mira to wait for me till 12 then it was already 130 by the time we came back. Priya, aishay, mira and i were trying to play monkey while i was supposedly the monkey on the was fun until it was abt to hit the fan so we decided to go out. We play soccer[wid a basketball?] basketball, monkey or wadeva u may call it and the ball flew down like some 4 times. AWWW mr ho came and asked us to stop playin saying tt it might hit the window pane. still we continued(;
We had to wait for our dear juniors to finish their pbl and only got home at bout 345. thats bad was supposed to be a half day.anw i din complain!!YAY for gef:D

1:44 AM

She BOXEd her Shadow.