Sunday, November 26, 2006


All I know and can actually relate to is that im stuck with a bunch of, should I say a weird lot cos that would be too mild a term to use.
They are totally, insanely way off that what I’m or my family is like.
Like they belong to a whole new planet!
Thanksgiving wasn’t such a blast like I expected it to be,
afterall I was out there, trying to find jellybean shaped rocks(: and not to mention in the cold wind.
I’ve to agree it was fun, and what else can I probably think of with a 3year old.
She’s totally adorable, like REALLY!
I was annoyed too after finding jellybean, circle, egg, oval shaped rocks and how long can you withstand this kinda scenario, yea?
She was seriously cute, like the way she speaks, her english is really perfect for a 3yearold.
We had to stay over for a night and drove back HOME the next day.
Like they say, East or West, home is the best. Kinda crappy but makes sense(:
I know what it feels like to be stuck in a hotel room for a week and that’s when you know whats the add of your home!
NO more engineer pengineer business and I hope that would make someone happy!
I wanna know what will happen when
1. you bake an eraser
2. chocolate chips rot [do they?]


Hist of thanksgiving is hilarious!

2:08 PM

She BOXEd her Shadow.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006


OMG, even here the indians are ever dominating!
They have a INDIAN CLUB, like here, where you barely see any!
Like its just so not possible, anw we are just gonna drop by to take a looka nd add some more points to our electives!
This was a real ssqueezy squeezy week, i had to learn 60 words in like a day!
Possible but troublesome(:

Friends are starting to come by and people are still TOO TALL right here!
This girl named Taylor was like taller than my waving cells and she was FOURTEEN.
Isnt that like plain annoying? Yeah , to me atleast.
HAHA mira, i saw a mira in the supermarket! Just that it was MIRA and not some myra.
During pe, things were so kinda grossified. This girl she was talking about some random stuff and actually went " You are are still Vs right, i am. Like me and my bf were about to do that like MANY MANy times and blah blah blah"
Like WTH, SHES 14 too i guess, ridiculous! GRR.
i know its like normal for these people but this poor soul is just getting exposed to these viral stuff.
Sorry i know i do not make any sense but like again FASHION ZOMBIES RUN WILD.
I do notknow where that was coming from but seriously i have, thursday, friday, saturday and sunday off:D
Thanksgiving, turkey, blah blah.
PADDY! i bought this really nice white jacket, like the hands and the side its like those striped cloth and the rest is some fluffy thing!
ITS DAMN NICE, atleast i've something to talk to paddy about after a LONG life yea(:
Now im getting used to things here, and mira that psycho guy behaves like that to everyoone so when someone sees him walking somewhere they HIDE.
He was sitting inside this fence thing with the plants and the next minute was talking to some people he didn't even know!
Now im ANNOYED, no more pity required there(:
HAHAHA, beethovens 4th is HILARIOUS:D

7:58 PM

She BOXEd her Shadow.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006


I would like to convey my sincere apology to whoever out there expecting a reply from me.
I hope you'll understand, school had just strated and this post is for my darls out there, SPECIALLY:D
Ok see, I ran away from my spanish homework to post and i have a Lesson Quiz tomorrow.
Aniway let me start all the way from the beginning, ill go by subj(:
Fashion zombies RUN WILD.
1. Spanish
Now I'm learning gramatica and vocab without even touching those basics.
Oh wells, i duno how to count in spanish. Its kinda real fun though.
So Mr Burns[Yea, the typical names :/] didn't want to make things difficult for me so he thought i could take some other elective this year and start basic spanish the next year.
Guess that is probably the case and i just have to wait till my counselor is all out from her meeting which are ANNOYING!
So I've to WAIT.

2. Math
What can probably interesting about MATH yea? SKIP.

3. English
AH HA, The class where people go what-is-grammer? LIKE WTH?!
Ok this was exactly like eng test, They are in like a eng class not knowing what grammer is?
Yea we're being taught how to look up a word in the dictionary.
Wonderful isn't it? GRR.

5. Research/ Tech
All you do is COPY, PASTE. That speaks it all.

6. Biology
Yea cells, stupid wiggly wobbly things):
Had a quiz again today and i cant single a single freakin thing under that microscope.

Im totally not in the mood to post right now, ok i PROMISE i will write A LONG one with much more detail later.
Been having headaches the past few days):

5:50 PM

She BOXEd her Shadow.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Life in the states

Lets see, hmm yep FIVE BIG things to post about
1. The States
2. Admission
3. English Learners Test
5. First day in Arnold O. Beckman High

The States:
I get the point of these ppl trying to be unique and stuff and after a while it gets some what annoying you see.
  1. In Singapore, well lets take the whole world in comparison, all the coins have the amount stated on them BUT HERE you've to figure it out youself and the 5cent is bigger then the dime(: NICE.
  2. Other places the two bucks, five bucks and ten, fifty and so on are in different colour and sizes BUT HERE everythings green and the same size!
  3. In the car the drivers seat is on the right and here the left.
  4. The list goes on..

Oh fine, i get it its not such a big deal and they are trying to be unique yea? But this is SERIOUS irritation! GRR. Ok move on.

I just have to say it was FINE and the lady was really nice about this since we had all the paper work done. So the point will be, nothing much to talk about this(:

English Learners Test:
AHA!! Here it is, the MOST TOUGHEST thing i've like ever been through in life. It was plain OMFG! YES, This is how it went,
We were taken to the typical classroom scenario and were handed the question and answer booklet. My sister did the sentences and I the speaking.
Tester: What you see in the picture?
Gef: mm Carrot?!
Tester: mmhm, what are these?
Gef: err eggs.
Tester: Yea, What is this?
Gef: A Fire extinguisher.
Tester: What is it used for?
Gef: To extinguish fire(:

Ok, I was seriously gonna go “IS THIS SOME KIND OF A JOKE?!”
Like excuse me, its supposed to test our language ability and not point at pictures of carrots and a baby crawling on the floor and and someone sweeping the floor and ask us WHAT THEY ARE DOING?
That was real ridiculous, but what mattered was the grade and which kindergarten pupil wouldn’t answer these and get an advanced grade?!Ok done with that.


OMG, PAIN PAIN! I STILL CANT LIFE UP MY HANDS AFTER THOSE IDIOTIC SHOTS! They made me wait outside for 15 mins? And then called me in and had those SIX jabs nice arranged one after the other! GRR.
THREE on the right and THREE on the left. AND and guess wad, ive to go for my 2nd round of booster after SIX months again! SIX again, DARN the SIX! I shall officially declare my unlucky number which would be SIX!

First day in Arnold O. Beckman High:
This is seriously scary, ive pledges myself that im NEVER gonna buy anymore clothes for another 6 months, NAHH it’s a bit too long right? Okok FOUR months. Omg, I feel so guilty when I look at my wardrobe :/

It looks like those typical high school dramas on tv..

and ive realised that PAUL TWOHILLS identity ISNT HIS OWN identity afterall. Almost 1/4 of the people I saw were walking ard with hair covering half the face.
You walk out on the road and people go “HI, How do you do?” and a BIG grin follows right after! Students look so SCARY and im starting school right TMR and and thurs and fri, HOLIDAY! I dono yet for what exactly but who cares!
Its SCARY, they do NOT SMILE! ):
Well, I just have to wait and see what waiting for me at 8 tmr :/
It WILL be something GOOD:D

5:57 PM

She BOXEd her Shadow.

Thursday, November 02, 2006


Ok, now there is gonna be FREEDOM at last.
FREEDOM as in F-R-E-E-D-O-M.
FREEDOM as in every humans right to move around freely.
YES, as you can see my mind has gone through some process whereby it is not able to function that properly cos of this constant cycle of staring at this square shaped room with white walls.
What I'm trying to put across is that IM GOING BACK HOME TMR!
Isn't that AWESOME!

Phew, i can finally step out of this freezing place and cuddle in in the comfort of my fluffy bed.
aww, home is always SWEET!
GRR. Oh i can go swimming. SHITT SHIT, School is starting soon which means ive to wear those wonderful hunter green gold or white polo t-shirts with khakis.
Oh well, a perfect reason for me to smile. GRRRR.


11:40 PM

She BOXEd her Shadow.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006



11:10 PM

She BOXEd her Shadow.

Omg! Didn’t expect life to be like SO boring after all.
You know like a change in neighbourhood, environment and everything, I thought that might spice up things BUT NAHH.
Well, I had to go to Santa Barbara the very next day what do you expect!
My daily routine:
Wake up at 5pm, walk ard the room, have dinner, go on a short ride to some boring supermarket nearby, then watch tv till 5 am or so, sleep till 6pm the next day. And the cycle goes on for another SIX day!!!
How interesting can that get yea?

SHIT, I almost lost nikitha sanal, dada dasilah and me with aneeqas bracelet!
I was about to leave the room and
Gef: Where the hell is my chain?!
(Lifts comforter and tries to search aroud the bed)
Daddy: Oh you can search when you come back. Now get out of the room.
Gef: NO! Its my gift from my friends.
Sis: YES, this is exactly how I felt when I lost my earring too!

In the supermarket,
Gef: SHIT! Where is my bracelet now?! Did I even wear it here?
Sis: Well, I saw you wearing it but im not sure whether you wore it here!
Well, I LOST something and this is the kind of wonderful reply I get!
Anyway,I came back home and it was safely sitting near the tv looking all sweet (:

I will leaving this horrible place on Friday and I will be joining school! Which is GREAT!
Not for the uniform part though):
YES, Hunter green, white or gold polo shirt with khaki pants!
Things are so GRRR-ing right now!

11:05 PM

She BOXEd her Shadow.


Ok here to continue my previous post.
Initially, i was planning to post about all that which happened from the point i set foot on LA.
That seemed a LOT selfish, just talking about all that I got to enjoy alone.

Well, with Your words i ALWAYS try to fight back tears but it just seems impossible.
You has done so much for me yet all that i spared for You was tears.
I would just like to say,
WITH THE SONG DEDICATION, POEM, THE COMPO, they all just make me even more guilty and i reallt appreciate your love.
I might not really be good with words but after all you can get what im trying to convey from my single smile.
I really wanna see you work towards your passion with all your heart and soul, and i will always be behind you no matter what.

Finally, Thank you MIRA.

12:29 AM

She BOXEd her Shadow.